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Part b–Lecture 7

In today’s lecture we consider a more interesting sparse matrix. Our goals are to:

Let us recall the sparse matrix considered in Report 1.

We fix a natural number q and set n = q^2. The matrix A will be the n \times n matrix with entries A_{ij} = \begin{cases} 4, & i=j,\\ -1, & \Big(|i - j| = 1 \text{ and } \min(i,j) \mod q \neq 0\Big) \text{ or } |i - j| = q,\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}

Recall that \min(i,j) \mod q \neq 0 means that \min(i,j) is not divisible by q.

This is how the matrix looks for q = 3: \begin{pmatrix} 4&-1& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ -1& 4&-1& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ 0&-1& 4& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0\\ -1& 0& 0& 4&-1& 0&-1& 0& 0\\ 0&-1& 0&-1& 4&-1& 0&-1& 0\\ 0& 0&-1& 0&-1& 4& 0& 0&-1\\ 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& 4&-1& 0\\ 0& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0&-1& 4&-1\\ 0& 0& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0&-1& 4 \end{pmatrix}

and for q = 4:

Matrix plot for q = 4

Note that every qth element on the diagonals next to the main diagonal is 0.

Exercise 1.

  1. What is the number of nonzero elements of A for a given q?

  2. (Challenge) Make a Fortran program that reads q and initializes the compressed sparse row storage arrays v, rb and ci for the matrix A given above, and prints them.

    Check that the result is correct for q=2 and q=3.

Our goal is now to use this matrix in the preconditioned conjugate gradient method that we implemented in Lecture b3.

This is fortunately not very difficult and is similar to what we did in Lecture b5. We only need to replace the calls to mv_mul by calls to sparse_csr_mul presented in the previous lecture, and replace the initialization of a by the initialization of v, rb and ci from Exercise 1 above, and modify the function precond to use the compressed sparse row representation of the matrix.


We used the SSOR preconditioner in Lecture b3.

This is the actual algorithm that we implemented in function precond in Lecture b3:

Exercise 2. Check that the implementation of precond in Lecture 4 matches the algorithm above.

What we need is an implementation of the precond function for a matrix represented in the compressed sparse row storage. This makes the implementation a bit more tricky.

Preconditioned CG method with compressed row storage

Here is the full preconditioned CG method program for the matrix considered in today’s lecture:

implicit none
real, parameter :: eps = 1e-10
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: b, x, r, p, z, Ap, v
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: rb, ci
real rho, rho_old, alpha, om
integer k, i, n, q, t

read *, q, om

! Initialize CSR storage for A
n = q**2
k = 5 * q**2 - 4 * q

allocate(rb(n + 1))

! Counter of where to put next entry in v and ci.
t = 1
! loop over rows
do i = 1, n
    rb(i) = t

    ! consider the 5 possible nonzero entries in this row
    if (i - q >= 1) then
        v(t) = -1
        ci(t) = i - q
        t = t + 1
    end if

    if (i - 1 >= 1 .and. mod(i - 1, q) /= 0) then
        v(t) = -1
        ci(t) = i - 1
        t = t + 1
    end if

    v(t) = 4
    ci(t) = i
    t = t + 1

    if (i + 1 <= n .and. mod(i, q) /= 0) then
        v(t) = -1
        ci(t) = i + 1
        t = t + 1
    end if

    if (i + q <= n) then
        v(t) = -1
        ci(t) = i + q
        t = t + 1
    end if
end do
rb(n + 1) = k + 1

! preconditioned CG algorithm

b = 1. / (q + 1)**2

x = 0
r = b
z = precond_csr(v, rb, ci, r, om)
rho = inner(r, z)
p = z

do k = 1, n
    Ap = sparse_csr_mul(v, rb, ci, p)
    alpha = rho  / inner(Ap, p)
    x = x + alpha * p
    r = r - alpha * Ap
    z = precond_csr(v, rb, ci, r, om)
    rho_old = rho
    rho = inner(r, z)
    print *, k, sqrt(inner(r, r))
    if (sqrt(inner(r, r)) < eps) exit
    p = z + (rho / rho_old) * p
end do

    ! SSOR preconditioner: computes z = M⁻¹r where M is the SSOR matrix
    ! for matrix A with parameter ω.
    ! The matrix A is given in a compressed sparse row representation.
    ! Assumes that the matrix has nonzero diagonal elements
    ! and that elements in each row are stored from left to right!
    function precond_csr(v, rb, ci, r, om) result(z)
        real v(:), r(:), z(size(r))
        integer rb(:), ci(:)
        integer i, j
        real s, a, om
        ! iterate over rows
        do i = 1, size(r)
            s = 0
            ! go over the nonzero elems in row i
            do j = rb(i), rb(i+1) - 1
                if (ci(j) == i) then     ! col == row
                    ! we reached the diagonal element
                    a = v(j)
                s = s + v(j) * z(ci(j))
            z(i) = ((2 - om) * r(i) - om * s) / a

        ! iterate over rows in the reverse order
        do i = size(r), 1, -1
            s = 0
            ! go over the nonzero elems in row i in reverse order
            do j = rb(i+1) - 1, rb(i), -1
                if (ci(j) == i) then    ! col == row
                    ! we reached the diagonal element
                    a = v(j)
                s = s + v(j) * z(ci(j))
            z(i) = om * z(i) - om * s / a

    function inner(x, y)
        real x(:), y(:), inner
        integer i
        if (size(x) /= size(y)) then
            stop 'arrays x and y must have the same size'
        end if

        inner = 0
        do i = 1, size(x)
            inner = inner + x(i) * y(i)
        end do  

    function sparse_csr_mul(v, rb, ci, x) result(y)
        real v(:), x(:), y(size(x))
        integer rb(:), ci(:)
        integer i,j

        do i = 1,size(x)
            y(i) = 0
            do j = rb(i),rb(i+1) - 1
                y(i) = y(i) + v(j) * x(ci(j)) 

Exercise 3. Use b_i = 1/(q + 1)^2, \varepsilon = 10^{-10} in the above program.

Run the program for q = 500 and each \omega = \{1.9, 1.905, 1.91, \ldots, 1.995\} (that is, 20 different \omega’s) and find the number of iterations that the program requires for given \omega. Make a plot of the number of iterations as a function of \omega in gnuplot. Use with linespoints.

Submit the plot with your student ID as the title.